BrainPOP Animated Science, Health, Technology, Math, Social Studies, Arts & Music and English movies, quizzes, activity pages and school homework help for K-12 kids.
Ciencia, Salud, Technologîa, Matematicas, Ciencias Sociales, Arte y Musica and Español peliculas, cuestionarios, actividades para estudiantes de Kinder, Primaria y Secundaria.
For K-3 students
Research articles, videos, photographs, illustrations and interactive timelines in 4 encyclopedias with age appropriate text.
Databases on animals, science, biographies, social studies dinosaurs. Ffor early researchers, with spoken-word audio, text-highlighting, and multimedia.
Science, American history, biography, mythology and a general reference encyclopedia.
A dynamic, authoritative, and publicly accessible reference work about Virginia history and culture; a publication-in-progress of the Virginia Foundation for the Humanities.
Images, video, eBooks, and full-text articles from newspapers, magazines, and scholarly journals.
A collection of databases that provide free 24/7 access to resources such as newspapers, magazine and journal articles, and books such as encyclopedias. Materials are available for all age ranges and interests.
Explore the world through award-winning magazines, books, apps, games, toys, videos, events, and a website.
Thousands of downloadable, projectable, printable teacher materials, covering all the skills necessary for effective reading instruction.
lNCLUDES: Advertising and Consumer Culture; African American History; Art, Literature, and Music; Documentary Photography; Transcultural Experience; Women’s History.
Open-and-go lessons that inspire kids to love science!